My mobility is limited and when I want to go to a special place I think of this garden and how beautiful it is and an inspiration to all who see it. But, it also has a practical aspect as well. Think of all the people this garden has fed over the years.... tons of food donated to the Durham region. The friendships that have been made; the sharing and caring; the learning experience; and the realization that veggies come out of the ground grimy, not clean and wrapped in plastic. A little patch of heaven here on God's earth.

– Blessings, Maureen

“people love to pick out what they like and the garden grows food from other cultures so it gives people an opportunity eat food that is part of their culture”

– Whitby Salvation Army

The garden builds relationships... they rely on each other to be on time and it gives the staff at Cornerstone an opportunity to participate with them

– Cornerstone Community Association

It is a confidence booster, many of the men have only a history of working in labour jobs and that is all they know. As well, many didn’t graduate from high school so the garden gives them an opportunity to use the skills they have.

– Cornerstone Community Association

In the past years I have experienced some serious health problems but through my involvement with the Whitby Ajax Garden Project, my health and mobility have improved greatly. When I joined the garden, I had pretty well given up hope of ever being able to move pain-free again.The garden encouraged me to try. To push myself to weed, feed, sow and water. To conquer the pain. I now am able to participate more in the work required to keep this wonderful giving garden alive. I feel in my mind and in my heart, a part of the garden. I’m able to help grow produce to feed the needy. I’m able to help provide a safe, peaceful place for children to experience nature and learn about growing food first hand. I’m able to enjoy the kinship of caring, friendly people. What does this garden mean to me? Good health and hope for the future.

– Cathy, October 16, 2013

For the past several years the Whitby/Ajax Garden Project has benefited our community here at The Refuge by providing to us fresh from the soil nutritious veggies. Most of our youth live in poverty and food security is a large concern for them. When they do acquire food, often times it is of low nutritional value, processed, and fast food. Fresh food is valued as a commodity as it is expensive and there is a lack of proper storage to keep their food from perishing. Let's face it, when you’re homeless you don’t have a fridge or electricity under your bridge to help you. We see the signs of malnutrition in our youths' teeth, in their lack of energy and mental alertness, in their irritability, in their taking a longer time to heal, and in an increased susceptibility to infection. The community gardens are important to us as we rely on donated goods to cook and nourish the young people who call The Refuge home. They help us to meet basic needs, improve upon health concerns, teach cooking skills, assist our expectant moms to deliver healthy babies, and provide volunteer opportunities to personally connect with the hurting youth of our community.

– The Refuge